Apple Reference & Presen…rary 6 (Reseller Edition)
Apple Ref. & Pres. Lib.v6.0.toast
HyperCard In Education
Frames of Reference
< prev
Text File
183 lines
-- stack: in
-- format: 8 (HyperCard 1)
-- flags: 0x1000 (none)
-- protect password hash: 0
-- maximum user level: 5 (scripting)
-- window: Rect(x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)
-- screen: Rect(x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)
-- card dimensions: w=0 h=0
-- scroll: x=0 y=0
-- background count: 8
-- first background id: 2659
-- card count: 12
-- first card id: 2848
-- list block id: 5847
-- print block id: 0
-- font table block id: 0
-- style table block id: 0
-- free block count: 0
-- free size: 0 bytes
-- total size: 63392 bytes
-- stack block size: 4608 bytes
-- created by hypercard version: 0x01208000
-- compacted by hypercard version: 0x01228000
-- modified by hypercard version: 0x01228000
-- opened by hypercard version: 0x01228000
-- patterns[0]: 0x0000000000000000
-- patterns[1]: 0x8000000008000000
-- patterns[2]: 0x8800220088002200
-- patterns[3]: 0x8888222288882222
-- patterns[4]: 0x88AA22AA88AA22AA
-- patterns[5]: 0xCCAA33AACCAA33AA
-- patterns[6]: 0xEEAABBAAEEAABBAA
-- patterns[7]: 0xEEBBBBEEEEBBBBEE
-- patterns[8]: 0xFFBBFFEEFFBBFFEE
-- patterns[9]: 0xFFBBFFFFFFBBFFFF
-- patterns[10]: 0x8010022001084004
-- patterns[11]: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
-- patterns[12]: 0x8822882288228822
-- patterns[13]: 0x1122448811224488
-- patterns[14]: 0xC4800C6843023026
-- patterns[15]: 0xB130031BD8C00C8D
-- patterns[16]: 0xAA00AA00AA00AA00
-- patterns[17]: 0x8822552288225522
-- patterns[18]: 0x8855225588552255
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-- patterns[20]: 0x8000000000000000
-- patterns[21]: 0xAA55AA55AA55AA55
-- patterns[22]: 0x038448300C020101
-- patterns[23]: 0x8244394482010101
-- patterns[24]: 0x8814224188412214
-- patterns[25]: 0x8080413E080814E3
-- patterns[26]: 0x22048C7422179810
-- patterns[27]: 0xBE808808EB088880
-- patterns[28]: 0x25C8328964244C92
-- patterns[29]: 0xA29C41BE2AC914EB
-- patterns[30]: 0x40A00000040A0000
-- patterns[31]: 0x8040200002040800
-- patterns[32]: 0xAA00800088008000
-- patterns[33]: 0xFF80808080808080
-- patterns[34]: 0x081C22C180010204
-- patterns[35]: 0xFF808080FF080808
-- patterns[36]: 0xF87422478F172271
-- patterns[37]: 0xBF00BFBFB0B0B0B0
-- patterns[38]: 0xFF7FBE5DA2418000
-- patterns[39]: 0xFAF5FAF5A050A050
-- checksum: 0x0
----- HyperTalk script -----
on domenu menu --// Added by Medior, Inc. 2/20/90
global RPStackName
if menu is in "Home,Quit HyperCard" and RPStackName is not empty then
set cursor to watch
put RPStackName into shortname
repeat until offset(":",shortname) = 0
delete char 1 to offset(":",shortname) of shortname
end repeat
delete last char of shortname
answer "This will return to "&shortname&"." with "Cancel" or "OK"
if it is "Cancel" then exit domenu
set cursor to watch
lock screen
go RPStackName
unlock screen with dissolve
exit domenu
else pass doMenu
end domenu
on openStack
-- Include these declarations in every video stack.
global SPortGlobals
global typeOfVideo,videoMode,blankNextVideo,videoSpeed,lastVideoFrame
global cardClear1,cardClear2,cardClear3,cardClear4,cardClear5
global cleared
go first
set userlevel to 5
show card field "Please Hold"
lock Screen
repeat with x = 1 to 5
repeat 10 times
set the cursor to busy
end repeat
go to card ("parameter " & x)
if cleared is not "yep" then
repeat 10 times
set the cursor to busy
end repeat
go to card ("experiment " & x)
click at the loc of field "blurb"
end if
end repeat
go first
hide card field "Please Hold"
show card pict
unlock screen with dissolve slowly
put "yep" into cleared
end openStack
on setCheckBox
set the hilite of the target to not the hilite of the target
end setCheckBox
on emptyEm idNos
repeat with x = 1 to the number of items of idNos
put empty into card field id (item x of idNos)
end repeat
end emptyEm
on clearCardGraphics
set editBkgnd to false
choose eraser tool
doMenu "select all"
doMenu "clear picture"
choose browse tool
end clearCardGraphics
on mouseUp
get the short name of the target
if "Experiment,VideoCard,Parameter" contains word 1 of it then
if word 2 of it is empty then
put it && (word 2 of the short name of this card) into newCard
go to card newCard
go card it
end if
end if
if it is "Main Menu" then go card it
if it is "Help" then set the visible of card field "help" to not the visible of card field "help"
end mouseUp
on playSelection selectionNumber
get line selectionNumber of field "Selections"
put item 1 of it into startFrame
put item 2 of it into endFrame
playVideo startFrame,endFrame
end playSelection
--- Development
on sm
Show menubar
end sm
on hm
hide menubar
end hm
on helpFields
set lockText of card field "help" to not lockText of card field "help"
end helpFields
on editSelections
if the visible of field "selections" is true then
hide field "selections"
set style of field "selections" to transparent
show field "selections"
set style of field "selections" to rectangle
end if
end editSelections